Design Manufacturing Assembly Commissioning Service

Technologies, that drive the industry!

What can we do for you?

We offer comprehensive services, starting from the design phase, through production, assembly, and commissioning, to installation supervision and maintenance of production facilities.

Technology that adapts to you!

Our devices combine proven solutions with an individual approach to each client. We offer both ready-made products that meet the highest quality standards and the possibility of designing equipment tailored to the specific requirements of your industry. Thanks to our advanced technological infrastructure and a team of experienced engineers, we can create solutions that perfectly match the needs of your business – regardless of scale and complexity.

Sample projects


Fluid concentration in various industrial sectors.

Largr-size tanks

Safe and efficient large-scale
storage of substances.

Conveyors and elevators

Reliable material transport systems.

RStechnology Adam Rachfał

Jagiełła 323

37-203 Gniewczyna Łańcucka, PL

NIP: 794-154-23-46

REGON: 180093275

Mob.: +48 16 677 47 66
